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Our Products
IMODIUM® Multi-Symptom Anti-Diarrheal Relief Medicine Caplets, Loperamide & Simethicone Pills for Diarrhea
The only OTC anti-diarrheal tablet that relieves diarrhea along with the symptoms of gas, bloating, cramps and pressure.
IMODIUM® A-D Anti-Diarrheal Oral Solution, Liquid Medicine with Loperamide HCl
The fastest single ingredient OTC medicine to help stop diarrhea, allowing you to get back to doing the things you love.
IMODIUM® Anti-Diarrheal Liquid Oral Solution, Diarrhea Medicine for Kids Ages 6 and Up
Take comfort in knowing that this is the only OTC brand anti-diarrheal medicine that’s FDA-approved for children ages 6 through 11.
IMODIUM® A-D Anti-Diarrheal Medicine Softgels with 2mg Loperamide HCl
The OTC medicine for diarrhea that aims to relieve diarrhea symptoms and helps bring your digestion back to its natural rhythm.
IMODIUM® A-D Anti-Diarrheal Medicine, Fast-Acting Loperamide Caplets for Diarrhea Relief
The fastest single ingredient OTC medicine to help stop diarrhea in adults and children 6 years and older.

Where To Buy
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